We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with BougeRV. Please read below for more information about our return and refund policies.

Return policy
1. If for some reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return packages within 30 days of receipt, as long as they are new, undamaged and unmodified, but in this case, we do not cover shipping costs for returns. If your item does not meet these requirements, we cannot guarantee that your item will be accepted for a return or exchange.
2. BougeRV will cover the shipping costs when there a defective product, a wrong product.
3. If your purchase is out of stock, we will send the notification and offer the option to cancel the order or wait for stock.
4. Please do not return the product without contacting us, as the address on the original package may not be the same as our return address.
5. Please note that BougeRV does not accept returns with product modifications as this would void our warranty policy. Any modified product received will be returned to you at your expense.
6. If you need further assistance, please contact our customer service - we're more than happy to help!